Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dragging Time

Time is really d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g. I hate to wish away the days but jeez the calendar just won't move. Two week wait? Ha...how does one keep sane during a two MONTH wait?

Summer school is going good, weight loss program is going good. Grad class is almost over. I'm keeping busy but when I look at the date, time seems at a stand still.

Everything is status quo....sooooooo status quo.

I've been missing my baby so much lately I ache.

I wish August would hurry up so my baby can hurry up and find me.


  1. I'm so ready for August for you too! I can't wait to see that BFP and watch your pregnancy progress until we finally meet your sweet baby!

  2. I hope you find something to occupy your time. I know how hard it can be when your waiting for something to happen. Hugs to you.

  3. I feel you so much on the waiting! It has been driving me insane!

  4. Time is dragging indeed. Come August, you'll be having a super month! No more waiting! Woot!

  5. You're telling me!! Boy is time ever dragging...summers always seem to fly by but I guess not when you're TTC!

  6. We spend so much time waiting, in some cases half our lives. i think it's the final stretch that's the hardest. Waiting here with you :) I have good vibes about August, I like it. :)

  7. Why is it that time speeds by when we're having fun, and drags when were waiting? I hope August gets here quickly, and that when it does come, your baby finds you right away! :)

  8. A 2MW is no fun indeed! Hope that August and your beautiful baby are here before you know it!

  9. Wishing with you for August to hurry up and come here and bring wuth her your baby!

  10. Enjoy your summer and prepare for August. It will be here before you know it. Time will fly!
