Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Belly Rubbing

I was laying here this evening wondering if I should allow myself to doze off and thinking about what to write tonight. I started thinking about how happy I am. Really and truly happy. I was thinking about how much I love this baby already. It's a bigger love than I've ever felt before. Already and it's still so small and inside me. Well, there I was dozy and feeling so content....without even realizing it, my hand moved to my belly and... yes, friends, I started rubbing.

I have become that which I once disdained.

A belly rubber.

I'm going to try very hard to keep my belly rubbing private. I remember the emotions belly rubbers created for me when things seemed bleak. And of course it would make me look crazy since I don't look pregnant, just fat.

I thought I'd never become this....a happy, content, sleepy, belly rubber.


  1. i am very happy for you. I hope to join you in the world of the belly rubbers very soon.

  2. Come over to the dark side! Join the belly rubbers!

    Seriously though, such a special moment.

  3. Awww. . .a closet belly rubber ;)
    Well you deserve dear girl, so love on your little one(s) and rub away :)

  4. As one who has rubbed a possibly pregnant belly that never turns out to be so, I do not judge you one bit! ;-) Enjoy!!!

  5. Belly rubbing - it's all very annoying until you find yourself doing it, too! :)

    Your next ultrasound is almost here!!!

  6. You are going to flip your lid when you feel that baby move.

  7. I'm already a belly rubber and not pregnant. I don't know why, I just often fall asleep with my hand on my stomach. Rub away and many hugs to you.

  8. Rub away sister, you deserve it- it's just those loving mommy instincts kicking in....and I love it!!!

  9. I always found belly rubbing annoying too! That is until I had a reason to rub! But like you I keep it private.

    I am so so happy for you & glad you are feeling the happiness too!

  10. I'm glad you are feeling so happy! Keep rubbing and keep the little one cozy. :-)

  11. Can't wait to hear about your U/S today. It's going to give you positive reassurance of your healthy baby!!!

  12. You belly rub all you want, Paige! You deserve it and it lets you little one know how much he/she is loved.
    Can't wait to hear how well your u/s goes today!!

  13. :-))
    Before being pregnant, I couldn't understand this belly rubbing thing.. Enjoy it! (and yes, I too tried to keep it private never knowing who is looking at me wishing...) But you enjoy it. as was said, you certainly deserve it!
