Friday, July 2, 2010

No Longer An Acupuncture Virgin

I love acupuncture! I haven't felt a sense of well-being like this in a very long time. The acupuncturist, Kristen, talked to me for a long time about my cycle, drugs I would be on, what I was eating, my weight loss efforts, my stress levels and explained a little about Chinese medicine. Then, she looked at my tongue and felt my pulses at my wrists. She found a deficiency in the spleen system. This backs up what I've been reading online.

Needles went into my feet, legs, arms, stomach, ear and top of my head. The one on my head hurt a little going in. I don't know how to explain what I felt when the others went in. It was as if I had guitar strings going through my body and when she put a needle in it was like she strummed one of the strings. Then she told me to breathe "from the bottom of my feet" and envision blood going to my uterus and nourishing it.

What a trippy experience! I had the strangest thoughts while I was breathing from my feet. It was like a fertility version of a Disney fantasy sequence. I tried to concentrate on my ute but I couldn't quite control my own thoughts. I kept envisioning hearts going into and out of it. I'm telling you, trippy! At some point I found myself weepy. Kristen said that was very good. It meant the energy was moving in my body. I left feeling so relaxed and energized. I could get hooked on this. I can see myself shaking Kristen down for my next hit of the needles.

Afterwards, I went to Historic St. Charles with my friend, B. We ate lunch at a microbrewery and had fun going into all the little shops and boutiques. It was a bright but not to hot or humid day. Perfect for a day of walking, talking and shopping.


  1. I'm addicted to AP! I started last August when I first found out my fertility numbers were bad, and I've been going every 1-2 weeks ever since. Since I've been going I can tell a definite improvement in my mood and energy level. I'm glad you love it, too!

  2. part of what i liked so much about acupuncture is that the acupuncturist paid so much attention to me, and really cared. i felt very well cared for, and i really, really needed that when i started going. it helped me get out of my depression, as i came to realize that if the acuouncturist cared so much about every little thing about me, i should too. it was all wonderful. i'm so happy you loved it!!!

  3. That was the best description of what acupuncture is like that I've ever read!! I've always wanted to try it!

  4. Even though I am breaking from AP, I still adore it and know you are going to see huge benefits from it!!! I am so glad you decided to go. You do feel taken care of, all my appointmnets with Miss SHelly were nearly 2hrs..she really took good care of me. Enjoy!

  5. Glad you had such a good time at the acu. I also have never done it and would love one day to try it our.

  6. Sounds great. The one time I tried acupuncture I loved it too. I just can't afford it.

  7. Never done it before. Like Tiara said though, great description of what it is like!

  8. Thanks for directing me here Paige, I got booked in for tomorrow - I'm actually more anxious about this than about my IVF! I'll be sure to share my thoughts on the visit soon.
