Friday, August 13, 2010

Beautiful Beta


I think this is a good number. I know it really means nothing until the second beta results but I'm a little excited. Carefully, guardedly excited. They stayed or one of them stayed. I can breathe a little and the weekend doesn't seem so long. My mom cried when I told her, even though I explained that we can't be too excited.

We had a very good technology training today and were allowed to play around with netbooks for a portion of it. Thank God because I was able to check my email and got the results midmorning.

There is a kindergarten teacher who I work with, she's an older, black lady who always says what she wants and sometimes says what she thinks when she doesn't really know what's going on. Anyway, she looked at me today and made a joke. There's a running joke about pregnancy in our building. Every year there is one or two pregnant teachers, one year there was 7. This teacher came up to me, really looked at my face and said she'd heard there were pregnancies again in the building and was I pregnant. She was looking carefully at my face while she said that. I sort of giggled and asked why she would ask me that. hehehe

Dear Embies,
I'm so sorry I ever doubted you were there.
I love you more than ever.
Please keep staying.


  1. congratulations momma! I am so happy for you!!

  2. OMG! I can't wait for the second beta... but yes, the first looks good (from what I understand). How interesting about the teacher's prediction/presumption... And how GREAT you were able to check your email this morning!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  3. Congratulations, Paige! I am thrilled for you. Can't wait to follow your exciting journey!


  4. Paige!!! You're making my eyes water! I am beyond happy for you and I can't wait to hear great numbers and see that first ultrasound. CONGRATULATIONS!

  5. Yah!! I'm so happy for you. I don't know you but have been anxiously awaiting your beta results! Makes me hopeful :) Congrats!


  6. CONGRATULATIONS Mama! So beyond excited for you! I was so relieved to see the title of your post.... I had been stalking your blog all day ;)

    Keep on growing embies!

  7. The title of the post says it all!!!! Congratulations Paige!!! You have the pregnancy hormone, that can only mean one thing!!!!!!!!!! Teeee heeeee! What a great way to start the weekend, school year and the rest of your life. I am cautiously optimisticly excited for you until your second beta. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  8. oh la la! this is definitely the right place to start! yippee!

  9. 20 20 20 yay!!!!! I look forward to that number growing!!! :)

  10. I've been thinking about you all day! I was waiting to hear! You're right. That is beautiful!

  11. Hoping bunches for you that you get a fabulous result on Monday too.

  12. Oh my goodness what a great day! You are one of 3 BFPs that were posted on my blogroll today! You know what they say - good things come in threes!! I'm so very happy for you, Paige! Keep sticking around little embie(s) and keep going up beta!!!

  13. OMG, girlfriend, you are PREGNANT! That's a wonderful beta - I can't wait to hear the next one!

  14. Hang tight! It's not a bad beta and you may have just had a slow taker. Likely just one little guy. Wishing you the very best on next beta - for a BIG jump so you can be on your way! :)

  15. What a wonderful number! I am so happy for you!! Still crossing my fingers for you for Monday's beta!

  16. Good luck, hon - so glad you are still in the game. The number can vary widely depending on when implantation actually occured (and many other variables) but they are right about the change by Monday is what decides things. So, hoping for another good number then, take care!

  17. This is such good news to read!! I am so happy for you!

  18. Yay! Now I can keep Paige and her little one(s) in my prayers :)
    Congratulations sweetie!!!
