Symptom Watch 2011:
~ Weird, mild cramps this morning.
~ Farting up a storm (Shut up, it's a symptom!)
~ A few panicky moments today when my "enjoy pregnancy whatever may come" attitude
failed me and I just knew my babies weren't with me. I thought I suddenly couldn't
feel their energy and I thought it meant they, or some of them or one of them had left.
A little batty you may think? Me too but unavoidable.
Still a way different experience from my first crazy train post transfer wait. What non-stop mental hand wringing I did. What an emotionally tormented wreck I was.
First beta is tomorrow and my clinic doesn't give you those results unless you request them sighting that it's the difference between the first and second beta that is the true positive.
Although I'm, for the most part, enjoying this PUPO time, I'm just not sure I'll be able to hold out till the second beta...
An early breakfast out at a local diner with Mom and Dad, then to church where I sat with my cousin, KR and her son. I've only been to this church a few times but we've never crossed paths.
An old railroad overpass was the subject for my camera this afternoon:

In my very young and dumb youth, I used to think that a boy writing your name on this bridge would be the height of romance.

This was a lucky shot, though I wish I had been able to get more of that cool car in the frame:

Somethings I saw scared me. This bridge doesn't seem to be in very good shape although you'd never know it just from driving under it. Trains go over this bridge multiple times a day.

This guy was a bonus. He must have been
very hungry because he allowed me to get quite close: