Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Water and Sand

My second time going to water aerobics, there was a different teacher this time. The other teacher was about my age and very protective of the oldsters. She would make jokes and flirt a little with the men. We all love her. This teacher was nearly a child, I'm thinking she was at the most 19 or 20. She was demanding with the exercise moves and very strict with all the grannies. She kept saying things like, "This class is not called Splash and Gab." when they were talking too much. Seems to me that this is the main social interaction for many of them. It seems unnecessary to be so controlling and strict. I wanted to tell her to shut up and let them talk, but they seemed used to it and no one complained. Besides I was too out of breath to say anything.

I spent the afternoon in the sand pile with DollFace. C. and Stretch are visiting relatives in Memphis, C. thought some bonding time would help Stretch's recent growing pains (read attitude). It was a beautiful, windy spring day and DollFace never ceases to amaze me with her imagination and sense of humor. My favorite 5 year old. She's spending the night with me tonight so she doesn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to the farm with her dad. Undressing all the baby dolls seems to be on the agenda for the evening.

My possible transfer date is May 11 or so. Seems far off, but not really. Sometimes I can't believe that I've set this whole thing in motion. I've never done anything as important as this.


  1. Mid May - wow! Isn't it funny that you wait for the right donor and then for the paperwork and then for her labs, etc. etc. etc. and it seems so far away, like it'll never happen. And then, voila, you're literally around the corner, slamming injections into yourself and it can actually be unnerving. So, start imagining all of it now. I hit a surprising brick wall, emotionally, soon after getting my BFP last summer. I'm trying to be much more in touch this time so it's not such an emotional disconnect for me.

    I'm here cheering you on though.

  2. Mid May will be here before you know it.
    The water aerobics instructor does sound like a annoying instructor. The fact that those ladies are in the pool is more than some accomplish.
    I like the new look by the way. Very cheerful.

  3. how do they calculate YOUR due date when YOU are pregnant after IVF? On transfer day YOUR little bean(s) is(are) already 3 or 5 days developed right?

    (this is going to work, that's why I'm talking about YOUR baby(ies)!)

  4. Wow the wheels are in motion!! May 11th is coming so soon. I am jealous of your 5 yr old niece! I wish I had children around me sometimes. My nephews are grown up now, bit do I miss them.
    Hope you had a lovely evening with DollFace.

  5. The crazy thing about transfers is that they start counting the weeks pg from ovulation, which they calculate to be 2 weeks before RETRIEVAL. So the beans are over 2 weeks old when you transfer! At beta, assuming a BFP (!!!) you will already be 4 weeks along! Crazy. For a while before transfer I like to think, I'm already a week pg! Even though the eggies haven't been in my presence.

    Water aerobics is great. I had the drill sgt instructor and she was GREAT! After the initial phase I never went to the gabby instructor anymore - waste of my time. There is plenty of time for the girls to talk in the locker room - and even with the drill sgt I bet most of them keep talking in the pool, just quieter! At least that has been my experience. Hehe.

  6. May 11th will be here before you know it! Laughing about the young chick you had for water aerobics. It is social hour for most of them! LOL!
