Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Ultrasound found 3 total follicles and a cyst on my uterus. Dr. not recommending moving forward with IVF as it would only have a 6% chance at best. He said donor egg would be the best chance.

My worst thought has come true. I am, indeed, too old and fat to become pregnant.

The shine has gone out of everything. I'm devastated.

Not sure how I'll face the world tomorrow.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of the news. Did the dr. say the cyst might disappear or be able to be removed? Seems like he assumed it is such an open and shut case...maybe a second opinion would provide a more rounded look at your situation.

  2. Oh Paige, I'm so very sorry! I can only imagine how shocking and heartbreaking that must have been for you. Being told that our dreams may not turn out as we expected can be soul crushing. Sending big, big hugs your way.

    (Please get a second opinion and also know that donor embryo can be a much less expensive option to donor egg/donor sperm.)

  3. Here from L&F. I'm so sorry for this disappointment and for your pain. Hugs to you. Take care of your heart.

  4. Stopping in from LAF. So sorry for your news. Best of luck with whichever path you decide to take. ((HUGS)).

  5. Here from LFCA. I am so incredibly sorry that you are dealing with such a devastating blow. I can't imagine how you're feeling, but I am thinking of you and hope that with some time you are able to best discern the right path for you. *hugs*

  6. Here from LFCA. Just read back through your archives a little and see that in your first post your doc said that age was more of an impediment than your weight. Its also clear that you have worked/are working hard on your weight, so try not to be so hard on yourself. Your age you cannot help.

    Much love and many hugs. I hope you'll surround yourself with supportive loved ones tonight.

  7. I'm so sorry :(

    But I also wanted to say, when I did IVF, they only saw 3 follies (turned out there were 4 eggs once they went in), and 3 eggs fertilized, and all 3 made perfect embies, which we later, devastatingly, lost. But my RE believed in me and I think it was definitely worth going ahead. But what a difference an RE makes--immediately after that cycle, he left to form his own practice, and his replacement was quickly fired, and his next replacement (who I'm pretty sure was pure evil) informed me at 28 years old that I had only a 10% chance of ever getting pregnant. And, ok, so far I haven't yet gotten to prove him wrong (our baby boy is adopted), but my new RE totally thinks he can get me pregnant if we just keep trying long enough. I don't know how you feel about your current RE, but maybe it's worth looking into a different one? It can make such a difference.

  8. Dropping by from the LFCA . . . just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for. I've been there, feeling too fat, too old, and too late to get pregnant. Be kind to yourself, as there is always another way to find your dreams.
